A leader does not exist in isolation. Why did the Broncos fire their coach? Because the coach is the most important factor in whether a team wins. The success of other kinds of teams also depends on the leadership.
The political structure of the United States places unique importance on the individual. This individual emphasis may distract a person from understanding that groups make the greatest accomplishments. Even Jesus said his followers would do more than he did himself. Jesus invested in a team.
Even if a person is given a team by virtue of a position, he must win the team over to loyalty to his leadership. Bass (1998) described three types of leaders: transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire. The laissez-faire leader who isolates himself in an office is the least effective type of leader.
When I worked at Hewlett-Packard, I noticed that the supervisors did not have closed in offices. Their space was open to all. Only the engineers and my Dad had closed off areas because it was important for them to not be distracted. My Dad counted large quantities of tiny components. A supervisor’s job is to be distracted. A worker should not spend hours of frustration trying to figure out what to do when a supervisor can get them moving in the right direction quickly.
There is a time for fishing or other rest from the fray. There is also a time for the fray. A political leader must be able to gather a team around him if he is going to make a successful bid for office. He must continue to develop a team to represent his constituents effectively. We need time by ourselves to relax and think, but solitude is not the pathway to accomplishment.
I think of myself as independent. My wife and I are blessed to live where no other houses are visible from our dining-room window. Yet each of my brothers and sisters live within a quarter-mile from me. We work together to keep our together-owned ranch operating.
In the following picture, suppose that each one of the fisherman had a pole, and they were scattered out. A few would likely catch a fish, but they would not be as likely to catch as many fish as this group of fishermen using nets. It would be impossible for one person to manage the hefty nets just as it they would not operate as successfully without a leader.
In our larger society we may not appreciate how so many working makes it possible to enjoy so much prosperity. One mountain man is doomed to a limited lifestyle. Many are not rugged enough to survive such a harsh lifestyle.
I am fortunate to enjoy both lifestyles. To walk on dirt instead of pavement and yet be able to come inside during the cold and work on a computer.
Jesus organized his disciples to spread a message and a lifestyle efficiently. His organization is applies to the information age.