Leadership Matters

Transformational leadership is a Jesus-inspired and research-supported solution to federal conflict. An increase in the use of transformational leadership will continue to fuel the movement toward reducing the size of government. Those who have tried to increase government have been frustrated by their loss of control, as exemplified by their over-the-top opposition to the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. The reason for the decrease in the influence of leftists is their relatively ineffective style of leadership. (Read more)

Ask Dr. Wayne

Evaluation of Leadership

Youth Pastor:  Can you help me figure out what I need to do to make myself a better leader? 

Dr. Wayne:  This youth pastor and I worked together on a survey of the youth workers who helped him. The survey was based on a questionnaire that I developed as a part of my doctoral dissertation that showed which of 34 leadership behaviors were well-correlated with desired outcomes. He gave the surveys to his youth leaders so that they would know that he sanctioned the effort and they gave the surveys to me in order to have anonymity. The overall results were positive, but some relatively low marks on some items gave him something to work on.

Time with people?

Online Student:  Do I have to be with people to lead them? I would rather be fishing. 

Dr. Wayne:  With all of our electronic media, there is much that can be done from an isolated location. However, without experience in dealing with people face to face, the faceless communication will be hollow. Dr. Martin Luther King gave speeches that resonated with people. He would not have been able to empathize with people had he not spent time with them experiencing difficulties and yet maintaining hope.

Micro-Management vs. Mindfulness

Pastor:  How can I avoid being a micro-manager?

Dr. Wayne:  First, a pastor or CEO has to pay attention to details. In leadership literature this is called mindfulness. Those leaders mindful of everything from the big picture to the systems at work to the details will be more successful than the laissez-faire leader who has little concern about what is going on. When I was a county commissioner, we reviewed every expenditure because the finances were our responsibility.

The rub comes when we are dealing with people. That you are aware of a problem is an indication of sensitivity that will help you avoid it. Or awareness could be an excuse for not being involved as much as you should be. With so many legitimate things to attend to, plus distractions, it is difficult to micro-manage, but it is possible. When we were working on our last church start, I spent much time with one family. I did not realize that I was driving them crazy until they were leaving.

The best solution is to ask people if they are getting enough support or if you are interfering with their effectiveness.

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